Does an endodontist remove wisdom teeth?

Learn about when you should see an endodontist or oral surgeon for wisdom tooth extraction.

Does an endodontist remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common reason to visit an endodontist, especially for younger patients. Endodontists specialize in small-scale operations, using surgical microscopes and tiny instruments and technologies to eliminate infection and preserve roots. They don't usually fill cavities or remove teeth. If your dentist recommends surgery to treat diseases related to the small components inside your teeth, the best specialist is an endodontist. Oral surgeons, on the other hand, perform larger-scale surgeries than endodontists.

For example, they will remove wisdom teeth and other impacted teeth or molars. Functional cosmetic and cosmetic surgery, such as cleft palate repair, will also be performed by an oral surgeon. If someone is in a car accident and their jaw breaks, they will need an oral surgeon. However, if the root of the tooth rings, your oral surgeon will clean the infection around the root as during root canal treatment. To prevent the root from becoming further infected in the future, the dentist will perform an additional surgical step, known as an apicectomy.

This involves cutting off the tip of the root. This means that all of the infection has been eliminated and the root end of the tooth can be cleaned and sealed, better protecting it in the future. If your dentist recommends treatment to preserve your natural dental surgery, remove root canal treatment, or preserve a damaged tooth, you need an endodontist. Don't Wait Too Long to Get Endodontic Therapy. Although endodontists do everything they can to save your teeth, they may not be able to save a tooth if the infection or damage has spread too far.

If treatment is ordered too late, you will need an extraction. Once dental damage progresses and requires an extraction, you will need to contact an oral surgeon. This specialist will remove the tooth and can place an implant to replace the missing tooth. Endodontists need two to three years of additional training beyond dental school in an advanced endodontic training program. Endodontists and oral surgeons can operate on teeth, and both are an important part of your dental team. In summary, although both oral surgeons and endodontists can perform operations on teeth, their functions are very different. One of the most common and well-known procedures performed by an endodontist is root canal treatment. You'll want immediate treatment from an endodontist as soon as your dentist recommends this type of care.

Endodontists also perform other types of surgeries, all of which focus on improving oral health and helping patients save their teeth. In some dental cases, whether you need to work with an endodontist or oral surgeon will depend on how advanced you are in your case. However, in the right setting of an informed patient with no great alternatives, a somewhat tapered root, and an experienced endodontist who can competently complete atraumatic extractions, this option can provide a fantastic result with minimal investment. If you want to keep your teeth, you'll want to see an endodontist because this is their specialty. Endodontists require at least two to three years of additional training to learn more about the inside of teeth, dental pulp, and how to perform endodontic surgery and root canal treatments. After dental school, both oral surgeons and endodontists will begin their years of specialized training. Many procedures performed by oral surgeons require general anesthesia, while procedures performed by endodontists usually use local anesthetics.

The endodontist will remove the infected tissues along with the diseased part at the root end of the tooth.

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